Target Selection
You won't always have the luxury to choose your targets, but if you do, it is very important to choose the right ones. The basic rules of getting yourself an activation advantage apply. Killing a model that hasn't activated and has influence is best, a model that has already activated is worst.Newer players tend to go for the models that are easiest to take out, but this is not always the best option. In a fighting matchup, taking the easy route might net you 2 VP, but taking out a more valuable model will give you more advantages. It might be harder to take out Hooper than it is Friday, but Hooper is a quite slow beater model and having him out means you win the fight more easily.
Where to fight
If you can decide where to draw the line of engagement, you should take into consideration where on the pitch you want to fight. Fighting close to the edge means you want good pushing models for pushing models off.The more important consideration is the half you want to fight in. If you fight in your half, taken out models will get faster to the fight again, but are also more reachable for the opponent. Also, the threat to get tackled and scored on is higher the closer you are to the goal. The opposite is true if you fight in the opposing half.
Taking models “hostage”
This is a very powerful weapon in your arsenal. If you have last activation and you are confident you can win the initiative, keep the model you want to take out at low HP. Win the initiative and kill the model at the top of your next turn. This costs a bit more influence, but you get the activation advantage and delay the model coming back for another turn. If you do this and your opponent doesn't, this alone can win you the fight.This is as always just a general overview, but I hope I was able to provide some ideas on the take out game. Have fun killing your opponent's models!
Next time, we will talk about the first turn.
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